Sunday, October 22, 2006
Embarrassing moment...
Those of you that know me know that I do quite a nice job at embarrassing myself on my own. Well, welcome to motherhood, where now my kid can embarrass me too! Today, after church, I was standing in the courtyard holding MJ and having a wonderful conversation with a member of our church whom I had JUST MET for the first time. We were enjoying getting to know one another when my son projectile vomitted everywhere. Not just anywhere, however, but all over this poor woman's jeans. Mind you, I was the one holding him. He missed himself, missed me, and nailed a complete stranger. I was mortified. I didn't even know what to say. Thankfully, she is a mother herself, and hopefully has empathy for spitty babies!
Monday, October 16, 2006
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Pumpkin Patch

We took a trip to Schilter Farms yesterday to enjoy the pumpkin patch and petting zoo! We had a great time. It would have been fun if it was just Mark, MJ and I, but what really made the day super special was having Abu, Papa, Uncle Boo, Auntie Dawn and Katie there too! It was so fun to all be together again, and know that no one will be getting on an airplane to go home! It was super fun to watch Katie and MJ. She knows his name, and constantly throughout the day was saying "Markus". She was hugging and kissing him and helping him drink from his sippy cup. I know it delighted my parents to no end to see their grandbabies playing together and to see their kids enjoying their families together. At dinner we realized that our family dynamics really have changed- there probably won't be another quiet adult meal for a LONG time... but the kind we enjoyed last night, with giggly, loud kids, laughter and sharing were better than any we shared before.
PS- The photo of the three of us plus the two other kids... while we were taking our family photo, these two kids came over and just sat down and smiled at the camera! Too cute!
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Tipping the scales at...
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
He's growing up so fast...
Want proof? He cut his first tooth today. He was a total trooper- hasn't been fussy, no fever, etc. We have noticed his new favorite pasttime the last week or so has been sucking on his bottom lip, and I wondered if that was an indication of what was to come. Today, after his nap, he awoke and started sucking on my finger. That's when I felt it- this new little ridge on his left front bottom gum. His first tooth!
Monday, October 09, 2006
Sippy Cup

Lately MJ has been very interested in us when we are drinking. He wants to hold our glasses and doesn't take his eyes off of us until we are done sipping. On his six month birthday, I decided to give him his own sippy cup. I handed it to him, and he immediately brought it up to his mouth. Every once in awhile he is able to tip it enough and suck hard enough at the same time and actually get some water out. Regardless, he loves to play with it and look like a big boy. He's growing up so fast!
Birthday Suit
Friday, October 06, 2006
What a great few days...

We have had a great few days with Mr. Markus (actually, all of our days with him are great, but the last few have been extra special).
On Thursday, MJ and I had the opportunity to get together with a dear old friend of mine, Tami, for coffee. We had a neat time of fellowship and catching up, and MJ was a champ while we chatted and drank coffee. After our coffee date, MJ and I headed to a doctor's appt for me in Seattle (no, I am not pregnant :) ) where, even though we waited for 40 minutes to get back to see the doctor, MJ was happy as a clam. He was in the Bjorn, and I think he smiled at every person we walked by. I can't tell you how many people at the hospital commented on what a precious and happy baby I had. My doctor even called in another doctor and staff member to see him. After our appt, we headed to downtown Seattle (my favorite place) to walk around in the sunshine and shop. We bought daddy a present and MJ some winter things. All the while, MJ continued to smile at every passerby. Again, many people commented on MJ and his happy disposition. I realized what a ministry of encouragement this little dude of ours already has, and it warmed my heart to no end. After a great day in Seattle, we returned home to welcome the Clay family for dinner and games. They are a delightful family that we grew close to in Lynden and miss terribly. We had an awesome time passing MJ around (he got lots of hugs and kisses) and catching up on life. This is a family that I look to as a model of what I would like ours to be like. The siblings esteem and encourage one another and respect and love their parents. They are a family that LOVES to be together and really prefers each other. Their daughter, Cami, a high school freshman, stayed us while the rest of the family headed to a hotel. I can't tell you how refreshing it was to have breakfast this morning with a young lady that 1. is pursuing the Lord and 2. calls her mom her best friend. It was a delight to chat with her and fall in love with her and her family even more. The rest of the family joined us for more fun and games and hugs and kisses and cuddles after breakfast. Jim and Megan are two people that really get what it means to serve the Lord and serve their family, and they are a tremendous encouragement to us. Their boys are super fun too, and it was fun to watch Mark enjoy them and know that he will enjoy Markus like that too when he is older. We were sad to see them leave. After they left, MJ took his second of two TWO HOUR NAPS today- this in and of itself is a miracle. When he awoke, he was super smiley and we had some wonderful M, K and M time together. It's amazing just how much joy this little man brings to our home.
I leave you with a few photos of the little guy sitting on his own-he is doing so well with this! Thank you Auntie Anna for the adorable outfit! Also, the pic of him sleeping with Mark is very grainy because I took it in extremely low light and then photo shopped it so you could actually see it. I just really think it captures a precious moment between the two of them. Tomorrow, MJ turns 6 months... it's going so fast.
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