We went to visit my friend Lisa today. She spent the morning rearranging her furniture in their new house and needed an opinion. Markus and Grace were having a delightful time climbing on the new couch and playing with the big screen (at least it's big screen to me) TV. As Lisa and I chatted with Grace and Zach (her little boy) on the couch in between us, I happened to glance up and see Markus walk all by himself, totally unprompted, from the TV back to the couch. 9 steps folks. We are so close. Lisa says all we need is a big screen to get Markus going (he's a boy after his daddy's heart). And the pic- just me and Markus being silly together the other day and trying to get a shot of the two of us together. Not the most professional looking shot, but captures a fun moment bewteen the two of us and that's all that matters.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Daddy would be proud
We went to visit my friend Lisa today. She spent the morning rearranging her furniture in their new house and needed an opinion. Markus and Grace were having a delightful time climbing on the new couch and playing with the big screen (at least it's big screen to me) TV. As Lisa and I chatted with Grace and Zach (her little boy) on the couch in between us, I happened to glance up and see Markus walk all by himself, totally unprompted, from the TV back to the couch. 9 steps folks. We are so close. Lisa says all we need is a big screen to get Markus going (he's a boy after his daddy's heart). And the pic- just me and Markus being silly together the other day and trying to get a shot of the two of us together. Not the most professional looking shot, but captures a fun moment bewteen the two of us and that's all that matters.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Startin' him young

I have had a headache for 5 days. Tylenol won't touch it. Can't take anything other than that. So this morning, I decided to try a shot of the old standby- caffeine. I typically avoid caffeine during pregnancy, but I was desperate today. Thus, the advent of the coffee date for Markus and mommy. We sat outside where I enjoyed my drink and Markus enjoyed his even more. He looked like such a big boy, sitting in a regular chair, slurping out of a straw and smiling at every car that went by (we were seated in drive-thru view). I didn't have my camera, so I got these shots of him continuing to enjoy his leftover beverage this afternoon before nap.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Gotta set up the video camera...
the dude took three consecutive steps today. He pulled himself up on me, and then I scooted away from him while he was standing. I held two stuffed animals that he wanted to get. He gave me a big grin and proceeded to take three steps before he dove headfirst the rest of the way into my lap. Exciting days. I leave you with a blurry picture of Markus with his first pair of Nikes on. Too cute.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
He loves to swing

There is a new park being built behind our house. Actually, it appears to be finished, and has been that way for a few months now. But they still have the area all fenced off. Last night, Mark took Markus out to the existing park (right next to the new one) while I cleaned up from dinner. After the dishwasher was loaded and the table clean, I headed off to meet the boys with my camera. I didn't see them at the park, but I heard a very familiar giggle. I peeked beyond the fenceline to see Mark pushing Markus on the swing at the new park. They had snuck behind the fence (hopefully Markus will not remember how to do that when he is older :) ) and Markus was loving every minute of his play with daddy. After his swinging we went back to the old park where Markus went down the slide for the first time all by himself. He loved it. I didn't get any pictures though- he goes backwards on his tummy so that shot wouldn't be all that interesting. Here's some great ones of the swinger though!
Friday, August 10, 2007
No picture today...
but I had to get this down so I wouldn't forget the date! Yesterday Markus started standing all by himself. I know now it's just a matter of days before he starts walking. And I am so excited! He is getting heavy :). I know it will be a whole new ball game with him walking, challenges and benefits, and I am ready. It will open up a whole new world for him and I am excited for him. I haven't gotten a picture of him standing yet (it's really hard!) but hopefully soon.
Sunday, August 05, 2007
He can't walk yet...
Thursday, August 02, 2007
He will probably be embarrassed...
but his mother will be so delighted. This is a HORRIBLE quality video that I shot while Mark and Rachel sang in a wedding in Lynden last week. After about 40 seconds I turned the camera, so they are no longer sideways. The sound is much better quality than the visual, I promise. I thought there may be some of you out there that would love a chance to hear Mark sing!
He loves the hose!
It's hot here today, and Markus was being kinda needy... so I put him in a swim diaper, plugged his ears, and let him have his way outside with the hose. I had to put the camera away once he started picking up the hose- we weren't safe! He had a blast. He was shivering and had goosebumps everywhere when he was done, but he didn't seem to mind one bit!
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