Sorry I haven't posted any pics in a LONG time. We are having hard drive issues and I cannot upload any pics until we get a new backup. But here are some cute recent tales of my life with my wonderful kiddos.
1. A couple weeks ago, I put both the kids to bed and headed downstairs to the computer. It wasn't but a few minutes when I heard Markus get out of his bed, which is unusual for him. Then I heard his door open- WHAT? The kid can open doors now? I heard the door close, and thought he had gone back to bed... then I heard the little footsteps on the stairs. He was oh so quiet. My back was to the stairs and so I just sat and waited and pretended I didn't know he was coming down the stairs. I just wanted to see what he would do. When he got to where he could see me he stopped. He waited for 5 minutes! Then ever so quietly he went down the rest of the stairs and tiptoed into the living room where he proceeded to ever so quietly pull out some toys to play with. After 10 minutes (I had to get my composure- I was giggling too much to keep a straight face when I told him he had to stay in his room at bedtime!) I walked out into the living room and just waited until he saw me. He finally looked up and got the biggest grin he possibly could on his face- and then jumped up and took off as fast as he could away from me. He knew he was in for it! I grabbed a childproof doorknob cover and we headed back upstairs to bed.
2. Today I was peeling a peach for Markus. I was making quite the long peel, and Markus said "Look, Mommy's making a snake!"
3. We were out running errands a few days ago, and I took more time than I should have (imagine that with two kids, right?). The last 10 minutes of our drive Halle Joy screamed bloody murder. When we pulled up in front of the house, Markus leaned toward Halle Joy's carseat and said "It's okay Baby Halle we're home! Now it's time for your milk!"
4. Markus and I often lay on the floor with Halle Joy. I am encouraging her like crazy to roll over. The other night I left her playing on the floor on her back and was making dinner. Markus came tearing into the kitchen saying "Mommy, Baby Halle rolled over! Baby Halle rolled over!". Sure enough, when I went into the living room she was on her tummy, happy as could be. I got down on the floor and said "Good job Halle Joy!" which Markus repeated over and over as he tried to give her a high five. I rolled her on her back again so I could see her roll over (you know where this is going, right?) . I even called Mark to tell him that she had rolled over. After a minute or so, Markus got in her face again and said "Good job Halle Joy. Baby Halle roll over!" and proceeded to put both his little hands on her bottom and roll her over. I asked him if he had rolled her over before- you already know the answer.
5. Markus perched at the top of the slide at a playdate today and yelled out "Hello everyone! Here I come!"
6. The little dude continues to be all about cleaning, organizing, etc. Tonight he "swept" the floors, because "big brothers help mommies" (he came up with that one all on his own) for 20 minutes. Oh how I hope he continues to be this fascinated with cleaning when he actually can help mommy :).
7. Out of nowhere the other night at bedtime Markus surprised me by singing "Twinkle, Twinkle" (or, Tinkle, Tinkle per Markus) from start to finish all by himself. I really didn't think he knew any of that song.
8. No funnies about Halle Joy. She just continues to be as sweet as ever, despite having a gnarly cold right now. SHe has her 6 month check on Thursday, so I will post some stats then.