1. I had to use the restroom- fun with a baby in hand and a toddler... but I digress. We walked back to the park after we went to the restroom. Mind you, there were 6 other moms and their kids, none of which I knew, playing at the park. Markus waits until we are back amongst all the others and shouts out "Good job going pee-pee on the potty Mommy!" and gives me a high five.
2. Markus was playing "soccer" with the bouncy ball we brought to the park. At one point he kicked it and it kept rolling and rolling. He was running after it saying "Stop ball, stop. Listen to mommy! If you don't stop you will get a timeout!". He caught up to the ball, picked it up and carried it to a bench. He placed it on the bench and said "You stay here for two minutes. Don't move and don't touch anything. I will come back and get you." He walked away and played for a minute or two, went back to the ball and said "Are you ready to be kind?" and off he went to play soccer again.
3. After playing with the ball for a bit, he picked it up and said "The ball needs milk". He then trotted over to a bench, sat down, and pulled up his sweatshirt and tee shirt to give the ball some milk. Don't worry- at this point, we were the only ones left in the park. Thank God.