We are in Iowa, visiting Grammie and Papa this week and next. Despite the fact that both kids have gnarly colds and I am sleeping in the same room as one of them and directly across the hall from the other (and I am a RIDICULOUSLY light sleeper), we are having a great time :). Seriously though, Markus and Halle Joy are thoroughly enjoying their grandparents- and I have a feeling their grandparents are enjoying them too :). I had to jot down a funny from the dude today. We were listing off all the people in his life that love him (long list!). Then I asked him who did he love? "I love Jesus and God. And all my people." His people? Does he have an entourage I am not aware of? But how great that this little man listed Jesus and God first? Love it. Love his tender heart. I said to him today "I love you to the moon and stars Markus." He responded "Well I love you to the cow jumping over the moon Mommy!"