So we just returned home from a Doctor's appt... Markus is a whopping 14 lbs 12 oz and 24.5 inches long. He is in the 50th percentile for both, which kinda boggles my mind being that he just looks so big to me. At 4 months he is sleeping well at nighttime, taking 3 naps during the day, rolling over from tummy to back, sucking his thumb and smiling and talking up a storm. He really responds to Mark and I now, and he recognizes my mom and dad (Abu and Papa) too. He is at such a fun stage and we love having him around! Enjoy a couple of recent pics!
dude - i was going through MJ photo withdrawl. I'll add you to my list of blogs to check daily (or sometimes several times a day?)! love the photos. love the blog. can't wait to hear more hilarious stories like the IKEA poo story, the Starbucks "leaking" story. and all kinds of other funny things! love ya all! - tam
Hey, This is great!!!!!! It goes without saying we love every bit of this great way to stay in touch-the picture, comments and just everything- We love it all. McKims are at family camp and Andrew came down w/strep throat on Sun. We have been praying regarding their wk. there. It has been raining all wk. here but water never hinders alot at a Baptist camp anyway. (that is supposed to be kind of a joke.) We have made it known we are looking for a place to worship together. Went to Yarmouth Sun and it was really great. Did 2 out of 3 services without alot of difficulty. God is certainly doing an new thing! Love you so much, Mama W
I can't believe that he's in the 50th percentile either. He looks like he should be in the chubby baby percentile! I mean Elli is in the 40th but she's a skinny noodle - with her heighth and all. He's adorable!
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