Tonight was Markus' first opportunity to catch his team, the Dallas Cowboys, in action. Unfortunately, his intense mommy wouldn't let him actually watch the game... but notice him in this photo. His back was to the TV, yet the little stinker kept trying to turn his head to get in on some of the action. I guess you can't keep a boy from his Cowboys, right ? (just ask his daddy!)
too funny! love that little guy.... just like daddy. just keep him away from those cheerleaders, alright?! tee hee! - tam
He IS like his daddy! I couldn't believe it!!! I LOVE this blog thing!!! Most of all I love keeping up w/you all through this blog thing. See you sooon! Jan came today w/a plan of dietary helps for me so i will be better prepared to go see you and if God wills, remain asthma free. Love you, mama w
It starts early, doesn't it? Bill let Joseph know first thing this morning that the Cowboys won last night and he promptly put his jersey on. They are persistant. Anyway, enjoy the win, Mark and Markus!
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