I know that many of you that know and love us desire to support us through prayer. Right now, I ask that your prayer support would be turned towards my brother, Boo. On Monday he will be having a very significant and risky surgical procedure performed on his brain, with hopes for an even more intensive follow-up surgery August 28th. Information will be obtained during the two weeks in-between that will determine what exactly can/cannot happen on the 28th. He will remain in the hospital from Monday until after the 28th. Please pray that God will have His hand over all aspects of the surgery and Boo's life, as well as his daughter Katie and wife Dawn's as well. Thanks!
in my thoughts and prayers, dear friend. i'll be lifting up boo, dawn and katie along with your parents and you. love you so much! - tam
"Nothing shall separateus from the love of Christ..." We'll be praying. Love, Meg
Count me as a prayer warrior, Kels! We'll be praying like crazy that Boo will come thru all of this and be healed. Hugs and kisses to you and your folks - Carol
Mark & Kelsey,
Jay and I will be praying for your brothers operation and your safe travels.
Ken Berg
Tell Boo that Josh and I are praying for him and the rest of the family. Let us know if there is anything else we can do you your family. Jenn
Hi Guys,
We, too, shall be praying for Boo, his surgeries and recovery, and for salvation. We'll be praying for safe travels as well. Love, Cath
We are saying a prayer right now, and we will continue to prayer for your brother. May God's hands guide the surgeon's hands and may your brother's surgery be very successful. Safe travels too.
The Davis Family (Matt, Lori, Jill and Justin)
You are all in my prayers. J.M.
I know your brother will come through this well.
Praying for your brother Kels. Our love, The Lovelys
We will sure cintinue to pray for Boo and his family. Thanks for keeping us posted. We will also pray for safe traveling. We love you all. The Hansons
Hi Mark & Kelsey - We are praying and will continue to pray for your brother and all your family. Love, Ross & Taya
Kels- I am and will continue to pray for your brother and the rest of your family. I'm praying that your trip down with MJ goes well! Much love, Anna
Mark and kels ~ I will be holding you before our Fathers in prayer.
"Be strong and let your hearts take courage, all you who hope in the Lord"
Psalm 31:24
Your family is in our thoughts and prayers, Mark and Kelsey. We are sending our love and all of our positive thoughts your way. Love, The Weeks Family
I am praying. Thanks for the update - Michelle
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