MJ and I returned home from Phoenix late last night. He fell asleep before takeoff, and didn't wake until we were walking up the gate ramp! We were blessed again to have two seats in the back so we could stretch out a bit. Both of us were very excited to see Mark- and I think he was pretty excited to see us too. It's nice to be home, but I certainly do miss that precious neice of mine and my family down there. It was hard to leave them during such a critical time. The update on Boo isn't too exciting- still waiting for seizure activity to begin! I've included some photos of our trip- my brother doesn't normally sport a mohawk, but he and Dawn had a little fun before his brain surgery! Please keep your prayers coming and your notes of encouragement. Love you! Kels
welcome home! love you bunches and am keeping you and your family in my prayers. those photos of boo with katie and markus are DARLING - too great! glad to hear the flight(s) went well also. miss you, dear friend! - tam
Kels and Mark,
We will continue to pray that the doctors will be able to locate the exact spot quickly and perhaps the time in the hospital will be shortened. We are also praying for spiritual and emotional needs during this time. Isn't home a wonderful place? There is no place like it. Give Markus hugs and kisses from his Aunt Michelle!
Cami and I were at Treasury of Memories today and saw the newest "Markus" pages. I just want to squeeze him!!! We love and miss you all and are thinking of you and your fam often. Your scrapbook pages, your blog, your connections with people challenge me to think outside the box of how God can shine His light through us. Press on and let's talk soon.
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