Okay... so I'm a little late in celebrating MJ's 5 month birthday on the blog. Sorry! He continues to delight our hearts and amaze us daily. We love having him in our family and can't believe how fast the last 5 months have gone by. He is starting to play better on his tummy, trying to sit up on his own, grabbing toys and putting them in his mouth, giggling and loving his play station. He is a very social and happy boy- even with (what his mommy thinks) are short naps! We recently enjoyed a visit from our dear friends Shelley and Andrew (8 months) fron Lynden. Markus was facinated with the way that Andrew could move around and I think a little jealous. Andrew couldn't understand why Markus wouldn't crawl with him! I don't know how much he weighs or how tall he is- but I think you can tell by the pics he sure is growing! Enjoy! --Kels
yeah! so glad you got to see Shelly & Andrew! Markus continues to be an adorable little doll! can't wait to see him again (and his momma, too)!!! :) - tam
What great pictures and what a fun time it seemed to be! Fall weather hear is just glorious-makes us treasure each day when we think what is probably "around the corner". I just don't love winter as we used to. Mega bunches of love, mama w
Yeah...we made the blog! Thanks for a fun time! PS How's cereal going?
Shell and Andrew
Markus - I just want to squeeze you. Lucky for you, there's lots of babies at church that I get my squeezes out on. But I still miss you (and your mom and dad) and I WILL squeeze you the first chance I get...and kiss your little chubby neck...and tell you I love you...Oh those annoying aunties, huh?! Love, Auntie Meg
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