Hello family & friends!
I wanted to take a few moments and write to you while my parents weren't looking. Yeah, that's right, I can fully function with a computer even though I'm a few days shy of my 5th month birthday. Don't tell them though...it's much more fun just smiling at them pretending I really don't understand grown up language.
I'm so excited about this weekend of celebration we are going to have at our house this weekend. I was elated to see my Grammie and Papa W. arrive this morning right after my mid morning breakfast. Can the day get any better? Mommy and Daddy kept saying they were coming and now they're here! This means I will get to be in loving arms all weekend long. Who wouldn't want that?
I can't wait to celebrate some special events in my family's life. We will be celebrating Grammie and Papa's 40th Anniversary, Daddy's Birthday (31...wow, that's old!) and Mom and Dad's 4th anniversary all in 3 days. Mommy and Daddy keep talking about what a difference a year makes for this anniversary.
Mom and Dad kept telling me Grammie and Papa were coming out on an airplane so that got me to thinking about the plane ride my daddy and grandpas took when I was only 6 weeks old. It was in this plane on their way home from Alaska. Do you see the Salmon on the side of it? Pretty cool, if you ask me. Daddy kept talking about it so I thought I would let you see it for yourself.
I love you all and can't wait to tell you about all the fun we had when the weekend is over. I must go now, before someone sees me.
Markus Sparkus
Dear Markus, Not only are you incredibly cute, but technologically competent too. You ARE a wonder!:) Love you, Auntie Meg
Oh, my goodness! I just read these two blogs and my tear ducts are getting a good cleaning out. We miss you already. It was a wonderful (full of wonders) wk.end but it was just toooooo short. Heaven will be glorious, not for just the all glorious One and Only, but there will be no good byes. Hallelujah!!!! Love you all 3 incredably and Markus, your mommy and daddy are certainly correct in this year has brought many changes, including you to our family. What a blessing!! Love you all bunches and bunches. Grammie and Papa W
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