I am usually a very tender-hearted person, but for some reason, lately I feel like God has made me even more tender towards the plight of the needy. I have been moved to tears numerous times throughout the last few weeks thinking of all that we have, and all that so many do not have. It hurts my heart, and at times I feel powerless to do anything about it. But I know that our God is great and will do much with what we can do when we are giving out of pure hearts. As I think about this Thanksgiving, I am overwhelmed by how incredibly blessed we are. We have a home, food on the table (too much food!), nice clothes, cars that work, families and friends that love and support us, a new baby who is the delight of our hearts, good health... so much that we take for granted. Most importantly, however, is that we have a Savior that loves us and died for us- and doesn't give us what we deserve. If all those other things were taken away, we would still have that most important thing. This year, that is what I am most thankful for. What are you thankful for?
Amen! I think it's so easy as materially wealthy Christians to quantify our "blessings" as all that makes life easy and comfortable. God totally challenged me recently - "Megan, you are thanking me for what's easy, but, what about this difficult situation, what about that challenging relationship...are these any less of a blessing?" Even though I can intellectualize the answer to that question, it's so much harder to live it out! Unless, of course, I entrust myself to the One who know the subtleties of the "big picture" - my Lord who knows the outcomes of the difficulties, even if I never get to. We have a Savior and friend - and so I concur...we are blessed indeed! Thankful with you, Meg
Amen, Amen, Amen!!!! He is enough and more than sufficient for our every moment life. we have exceedingly, abundantly more than we could ask or think-and that is not materially. The material goods anymore are "way in the background and pale into insignificance" when we realize the glory of our Saviour. Praying we keep the cross our centrality of life. our love and prayers always, mama and papa w
p.s. I just looked at this blog again and i am thankful for YOU ALL!!!!! and how God has worked in our family, and this wonderful way to stay "in touch". Till we meet-and it's getting sooner!!!!! Love you sooooo much, mama w
Mark and Kelsey & Markus -
How great it is to keep in touch this way. As we watched the Seattle Seahawks and the Packers play football in the snow last night we were reminded of our trip to Washington for your wedding day!! What wonderful memories we have of that time together and are looking forward to making new memories during our 'Christmas Vacation'. Can't wait to meet Markus and for you to meet all of our grandbabies - - if nothing else I guarantee we will be a noisey bunch!! We truly are a blessed people, not only with our earthly family relationships, but even more so to be a part of God's bigger family. How thankful I am to be a child of the King. Can't wait to see you all!!
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