We survived Markus' first Christmas! The poor little man has a nasty cold, but he still managed to thoroughly enjoy opening presents (epsecially at Abu and Papa's house). He loved the monkey we gave him- you press his hand and you hear our voices wishing Markus a Merry Christmas and telling him we love him. It's great. He lit up like the Christmas tree when he saw it and hugged and kissed it every time we handed it to him. He definitely cleaned house at Abu and Papa's though, coming home with some toys that we are very excited about. By far, his favorite is the stackable ring set from Fisher Price- the one that has been around longer than his parents have. But he loves it! My favorite time of the whole day was sitting with Markus in my lap while Mark read the Christmas story (Luke 2). What a precious time together as a family. I can't wait until Markus can read it to us. Here are just a couple of pics from the morning. I definitely didn't get near as many as I wanted, but I was also operating the video camera! Oh well. Hope your day was as special as ours- filled to the brim with lots of love, family time and meditations on our amazing Savior, Jesus Christ, without whom we are nothing.
ETA: We just returned home from the Doctor's office... the poor kid has a double ear infection. And we are flying to Iowa tomorrow... please pray :).
Hey Kelsey,
well, it sounds like you had a good christmas! Markus is not the only one who had a cold this Christmas, i slept a lot yesterday at my grandparents house. but other than that, it's been a good one so far. happy new year to you all. we miss you! much love,
Praying for you and your trip! Taya
We'll be praying for the plane ride. Hang in there! Meg
love ya, Kels. praying for Markus, you and Mark (and the other passengers on the plane!). have an AWESOME time in Iowa with family! - tam
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