Playing with ornaments (plastic) so mommy could put away some laundry!

Markus is always super-focused on whatever he is doing at the moment.

Yes, that is a lemon in his hand. The kid loves to suck on lemons.

You'd think by this picture peas were his favorite. I thought so too, until we tried peas for dinner tonight. He actually spit them out and cried every time I tried to give him a spoonful tonight. So we defaulted to carrots. Much better.

I know this is a blurry picture, but I had to post. Doesn't he look like a little french artist with his mustache (made of prunes, not chocolate!)

1 comment:
OH MY GOODNESS!! your baby is growing up so fast! have a very merry christmas. i'm glad you guys made it w/o power for 4 days. luv ya much and talk to ya soon.
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