in the photo shoot pics. I had to post these from last night. We actually found a food that Markus literally spit out. No matter how many times we tried to give it to him, he made a horrible face and spit it out entirely. The offending food? Cheese quesadilla. Markus was also trying with all of his might to get his tummy off the ground and crawl last night. He worked so hard... but no dice. But he sure looked adorable trying! Mark kept his hand behind him to prevent him from scooting backwards under the couch.
love those first two pics... little kids are SO CUTE when they spit out foods they don't like! and before you know it, that little guy'll be crawling EVERYWHERE, so enjoy these final days (hours) of him not crawling! - tam
oh that is funny. very cute pics. can't wait to see you in april. love you all,--cami
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