Here's some recent pics- still getting stuck under the couch, learning how to give kisses and loving that silly piece of toast. We had a great day yesterday- some college girlfriends and I threw a baby shower for one of our roommates, Jen and her baby boy (due March 22). There were about 20 ladies there and it was a great time of fellowship and celebrating Jen and this new life God is creating inside her! Markus only took a 30 minute nap during the shower (normally 1 1/2-2 hours) but he did great! He was getting lots of attention and we were at Auntie Beck's which meant he had Sam to play with (rather, he had Sam to steal toys from. Markus is a toy stealer. Every time Sam had a toy in his hand, Markus would take it from him. And bless his tender heart, Sam would just look at him and then go find another toy. And so on and so forth.). Markus also loves going to Auntie Beck's because they have Ginger, a sweeter than sweet golden who Markus loves to pet and stare at. I think he's telling me that he wants a dog... we'll see.
Aww, these are so sweet! my favorite is him with the toast, the hat is too cute! love you all. can't wait to see you in a couple months! --cami
love that bare bum photo! he's such a happy guy. and really laid back. love his smile.... it can brighten up an entire room!! miss ya! - tam
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