He kept pulling the hat off before I could get a good shot of his face with the hat on. But seriously, isn't this still just a riot?

Lately Markus' favorite thing to do while we are driving is to eat his shoes. This is a shot of him in the mirror doing just that. The monkey is his best friend, Murphy.

Markus and Mommy at his first Mariners' game. We were guests of our dear friends the Madsons, and we had a wonderful time!

Markus and Daddy enjoying the game!

Here's Markus trying to figure out how to lift up his sippy cup without dropping his precious pizza crust.

love the photos! love his BIG smiles.... what a way to brighten any day for you, eh? just a little peek at that face and how could ANYONE be having a bad day?! - tam
What a beautiful picture of you and Markus. It's amazing how much the two of you look alike. Isaiah did and still has the big tummy too. So super cute. He's like a little Pooh Bear. Thanks for the photos! Taya =)
I really can't believe how grown-up Markus is looking all of a sudden. Still has that ridiculously cute happy face, though. Somehow I get the impression he'll never lose that. Can't wait to see your happy 1st birthday pictures, little man!
Love, Auntie Meg
cute. and precious. the one of him trying to hold his cup and pizza crust: priceless. i miss you guys.
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