It never seems to slow down, does it? My word. It is the start of a new week- thank God. We are hoping to get through this week without any trips to the Dr's (like last week when Markus had to have a head laceration glued back together)or to L&D (yes, I went again a week ago today. That's trip #3. This time it was due to rapid dehydration thanks to the stomach bug Markus passed onto me and contractions that were 2-3 minutes apart). But how about a cute Markus story? The other night when Mark was snuggling with Markus in the rocking chair before bed, he asked Markus to pray with him. Markus lifted his head off his shoulder, looked at Mark and folded his hands to pray. That is not unusual- we do that every night and every night without fail that is his response. Mark finished praying, but then decided he wanted to pray with Markus for me. Rather than ask Markus to pray again (his little head had already returned back to daddy's shoulder) he simply started saying "Lord Jesus..." and wouldn't you know it, but Markus sat up, looked at Mark and folded his hands to pray. He knew! Isn't that the cutest thing? What a tender moment for Daddy and Markus to enjoy together. Speaking of the two of them, here's a couple cute shots from one of our many trips to the pumpkin patch this last month.

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