So it's been awhile since I blogged. Sorry! We returned home from a fantastic trip in Iowa to the start of a couples' small group in our home, the start of MOPS (where I am a table leader this year), the start of my ladies' Bible study (we're doing a study called "Mothering Without Guilt"), a visit in Seattle with friends from Montana, a memorial for the son of our dear friends, a doctor's appt for me and a huge church banquet where Mark and I both sang special music and he led worship. Can we say crazy? We are settling into this nutso life called fall well, however, and are excited about all the new opportunities God has brought our way this year. Tomorrow we go in for another ultrasound so stay tuned. In the meantime, here's some pics of the dude in the bath the other night. I like all of them because they highlight many different things- Markus' amazing suntan on his face and arms, his first black eye (thanks to falling off a chair into a coffee table the night before we flew home from Iowa), his love for clapping, his love for water and those amazing brown eyes and long eyelashes. Enjoy!
1 comment:
My boys were looking over my shoulder as I viewed these pics and they flipped out when I told them it was Markus. "No way!" What a big boy he's getting to be...and still SO, SO cute. I'm sad that he doesn't even know us.
:( Please give him a squeeze and kiss for us anyway. Love you all,
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