Last night I left Markus with a babysitter for the first time. We have left him plenty with Abu and Papa as well as countless friends and he has always done great. Last night, however, was the first time I actually paid someone to come to our home and watch him. It was our dear friend, Jilly, who we adore and who adores Markus. We had her and her parents over for dinner last week, and Markus climbed right up into her lap and read books with her and played with blocks, too. Last night, as I was preparing to leave, I knelt down and said "Markus, Mommy is going to go bye-bye. You're going to stay here with Jilly. Can you give Mommy a besito?". He looked at me, shook his head no (to my kiss request) and pointed at Jilly who was sitting across the room. He then broke into a huge grin and took off running towards her. He climbed up on the couch next to her to read some books and could have cared less that I was leaving. It was awesome. According to Jilly, they had a fantastic time (you gotta love when your babysitter says "I had so much fun"). And she can come over whenever she wants, because I don't know what they did last night but he slept until 8:30 this morning. Glorious.

1 comment:
Be prepared - Markus will probably get his little heart severely broken when some young man comes and sweeps Jilly off her feet. He will probably not be able to comprehend why HE cannot marry her. (Not that our family's been through this or anything...!) What a blessing for Markus to have a Jilly in his life! Not to mention the blessing to you and Mark. :)
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