I'm typing this on Christmas Eve because I really don't want to bother with the computer on Christmas day. I am so excited that tomorrow is Christmas. There is nothing like celebrating Christmas with a child around- and I know it will only get better and more fun! I am so thankful that we have a Savior to celebrate; One that knows us intimately and loves us perfectly. Without Christmas, we truly would be nothing. Lost. Alone. But we have a Savior that was born to redeem. Praise God and His perfect plan and this wonderful occasion we call Christmas. May all the joy, hope and peace that the Christ-child came to be fill your hearts today and everyday.
PS- We tried to get a decent shot of the three of us at the Christmas Eve service tonight. Didn't really happen. Maybe tomorrow?

Love the pics and your note. There is nothing like Christmas, have the wonder of a toddler, and expecting this little girl H, and the wonderful music to warm our hearts even more to our Awesome and Magnificant Lord. We love you so much, Mama W.
Merry Christmas to all the W's. Love you lots,
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