We had a fantastic Thanksgiving at Abu and Papa's house. We celebrated with Abu, Papa, Boo, Dawn, Katie and Dawn's dad, Tom. The food was the best it had ever been (despite the gravy fiasco in which my mom used what she thought was stock, but really was just water that she had put in the pan she had prepared the stock in to clean out the pan after she placed the stock in the fridge to use later...) and our time together as a family was simply fun. Markus and Katie are really starting to play together and it is a delight to watch them. It's neat to know the gap between them will just get smaller as they get older. We anticipate them being good buddies when the babies come, since the two little girls will be just 7 or 8 weeks apart. We'll hopefully have two little sets of good pals amongst those cousins. I only got my camera out for these shots (busy in the kitchen, you know) but aren't they precious? Markus can point at the stars on his jersey when asked as well as the number nine. He also can say Romo. The kid has about 10 words, and one of them is Romo. Whatever.

i didn't realize dawn was pregnant again, too.... how fun! glad to hear you had a wonderful thanksgiving. and i know some people who will be encouraged to hear that there are other children who don't use many words yet!
Despite the way I feel about the Cowboys, "Romo" is a fun word to say, so I can understand why Markus likes it! I'm still so sorry that he's received a Cowboy "brainwashing" from Day 1. :) HaHa You talking about Markus' vocab with "Romo" being approx. 1/10th of it reminds me of Sean's 3 year-old well-child visit to the doc. He had recently gotten a book all about heavy equipment for his birthday and had been studying it relentlessly and having it read to him constantly(that was some gripping reading, I tell you). We took the book along for entertainment at the doc's and were looking at it in the exam room before the doctor came in. In the course of the exam, the doc asks Sean questions like "What's your full name", etc. (Cami, of course could have answered this at age 3, but Sean had no clue, other than "Sean"). I just had to laugh because, prior to the doc's arrival Sean was pointing out and verbally identifying "articulated dump truck", "excavator", etc., etc., etc. Needless to say, I wasn't worried that he didn't know, or couldn't say, his full name. THEY know what's important! Love ya, Meg
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