It's 4:30 am. I really haven't slept tonight. But really, it's okay, because the two previous nights I actually slept for 7 consecutive hours each- a record by far in recent weeks! Granted it was due to the fact that I took a sleeping pill each night and Markus was at Abu and Papa's house (thank you!!!!), but I'll take it. So what else to do at 4:30 am but eat a bowl of Raisin Bran and update your blog?
I am getting super excited to meet this little girl. Pregnancy is an absolute miracle, and I love to feel her moving around inside of me. But I'm definitely at the point where I want to hold in her my arms, kiss her little face and see those precious baby feet. I can't wait to see what she looks like. We continue to talk her up big time to Markus. He knows where the baby's room is and continues to love on and kiss everyone else's babies, so I think he's about as prepared as he possibly could be at this point. I think Mark and I are pretty prepared too. Her room is pretty much done, I have purchased some newborn diapers and I have a baby shower coming up this weekend (thanks Michelle and Guida!). We'll fill in our needs after the shower and then it's just more nesting until she arrives! I have tackled organizing the kids' bathroom, the hall closet, Markus' big boy room and the baby's room recently. I also updated a shelf in our living/dining area with some homemade accents- it looks great. I'll post a picture soon. I'll get one of of her room soon too. Still itching to tackle our closet, our entertainment center, Markus' toys (we need to do a little purging there), the pantry/living room and the freezer and fridge.
Markus continues to delight and challenge me daily. He is quite the personality and for the most part has me laughing and smiling throughout our days together. He is showing quite the toddler side which definitely makes for challenging moments (and sometimes days). It is fun to hear his language continue to develop and see his understanding of the world around him grow daily. I can't wait to see him as a big brother.
It's 4:45. I have to officially be awake by 7 for an early doctor's appt this morning. I'm going to attempt to lie back down now and see if maybe I can fall asleep for just a bit :).
1 comment:
Been wondering how you're doing. Sounds like it's almost time for little H to make her arrival! Hang in there and know we love you all, Megs
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