And you know what? God did go ahead of me in all of those things. And He was with me during all of those things. He showed Himself in amazingly different ways. At the Olive Garden, through a kind hostess who sat me at a table in the direct, warm, beautiful sunshine because she said she thought I would enjoy it (and I did). Through a gracious medical assistant who comforted me and held my hand. Through a kind woman who held a door open for me. Through my husband who offered to cancel a rehearsal for me. Through an adorable old couple at the DMV who I didn't even speak to, just watched (you gotta love old couples that still hold hands. And this woman had to be at least 80 and she was wearing leggings and Ugg boots. Awesome). Through a woman at the bank telling me that I looked beautiful at almost 38 weeks- and small :). Through my parents who picked up Markus and kept him for the day and night- and enjoyed him thoroughly. God was with me. I am so grateful that I know Him. That I can turn to Him throughout my day and with the utmost confidence know that He hears me.
And now on a much less serious note, a story about my boys. Mark has discovered that boy "gross out noises" (as I like to call them) send Markus into hysterics. One of Markus' favorites is when Mark does his fake throw up sound. Yes, Pastor Mark does an amazing fake throw up sound. It literally makes me gag. Anyways,here's some pics from dinner the other night when Mark and Markus were being boys together. Markus could barely breathe he was laughing so hard.

I love these pictures of Marcus. I can't believe how big he is getting. For some reason though it doesn't surprise me that Mark makes convincing puke noises. It must have something to do with having him over playing games with my family all those times of working with him. ~Jenn
"Gross out noises" - perfect name. I have yet to grasp the attraction, but I've even stooped to producing a few myself, just to surprise my unsuspecting boys. Cami and I are continually amazed at boys' ability to produce and imitate noises of all kinds - Star Wars creatures, machine guns, cars - you name it, they can do it. Convincingly, too. C & I try, but we just don't have what it takes. Go figure. :) I know what you mean about seeing God's hand in the graciousness and generosity of people. Isn't He great? Keep looking for him, darlin'. Love you, Megs
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