I cannot believe Halle Joy is 2 months old already. It's gone by so fast. She is a delightful baby, and all of us are completely smitten with her- especially big brother. So far she: * still hates the carseat * sleeps about 9-10 hours a night with one feeding * eats about every 3 hours during the day * loves to kick around on her back and face out when she is being held * falls asleep instantly in the bjorn or the moby * fills out her 0-3 month clothes extremely well * becoming more attached to her binky * usually doesn't fall asleep when nursing (complete opposite of big brother!) * loves to be outside

1 comment:
What a dolly! Oh my gracious, it's killing me that I haven't gotten to meet her yet. I'm so glad for you that she's a good night sleeper. So helpful, huh?! I miss all of you.
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