I was blog surfing tonight (it's 11:50 pm and I'm a bit wired after getting things together for Markus; 2nd birthday tomorrow!). I came across a great idea on another blog. Every Sunday, this woman blogs her "Sunday Seven"- seven things she is grateful for from the past week. Isn't that a cool idea? I'm totally copying it. Here goes.
1. A husband who sees the roll of crepe paper I purchased and asks if he can help me put it up. I say, I don't know what I'm going to do with it yet. He grabs it and runs with it and makes our kitchen look super festive for Mr. Markus' big day tomorrow.
2. Seeing our sanctuary packed tonight for a lecture on Biblical creation and climate change according to the Bible. Super informative and really interesting. I did find it interesting, however, that the church was about 5 times as full as it is on the evenings we set aside for concerts of prayer. If only we put as much importance on the power of prayer as we do on gaining more knowledge... but I digress.
3. Watching Markus run up onto the stage last night at church, run straight to the piano, climb on the piano bench, lift the lid, and happily start playing away.
4. A fun dinner in our home with our dear friends Jeremy, Jodi and Abigail. Abigail is Markus' future wife, and we couldn't be more thrilled :).
5. An afternoon at the park with my kiddos and my hubby. Mark kept Halle Joy in the Bjorn which meant I got to chase around after Markus. So fun.
6. Seeing my child run and play with absolute abandon at Pump it Up on Saturday.
7. Decorating a cake last night at 11 pm that almost actually resembles a choo-choo. Hope he likes it.
1 comment:
This IS a great idea. I might just copy it too. :)
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