Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day

This morning, as I crawled back into bed at 5:15 (after feeding Halle at 4:30), I prayed. I said, "Lord, it would be an awesome Mother's Day gift and a huge blessing to me if Markus slept until 7 am this morning". As I awoke to hear Markus playing in his room, I looked at the clock... it was 6:20. By 6:35 he was ready to be done in his room. I went and snatched him up and brought him into our bed- knowing there was no way I would get him to go back to sleep. But he loves to bounce and play on our bed, and at least I could stay under the covers for a little bit! We had a FANTASTIC time together. It was almost as if someone told him it was an extra special day for mommies and he was expected to turn his affection notch a few dials up (as if it isn't already super high anyways). We played and built pillow towers and hid under the blankets and tickled and giggled and sang songs and really enjoyed some just the two of us time. As we headed downstairs to start the day, I was reflecting on my prayer. God certainly blessed me, though not how I asked. He gave me sweet time with my precious son, and though I was tired, I wouldn't have traded sleep for it at all. About twenty minutes later, the morning changed... and my precious, sweet, affectionate boy was replaced with the toddler who throws tantrums, hits, screams and asserts his little will like you wouldn't believe. Our great morning turned, well, not so great. Up until we left for church (late, I may add, because of lots of discipline that had to be carried out) we battled. And I mean battled. It was awful. As I drove to church, late, tired and frustrated that I couldn't stop and get myself a Mother's Day treat at Starbucks (I didn't think it would look very good if I walked into church 20 minutes late with a latte in hand), I had another realization- this is exactly what being a mother is all about. Riding out the highs and the lows. Walking the kiddos through super fun times and super frustrating times. Being showered with kisses one minute and meltdowns the next. Mixing blueberry pancakes with delight and then seeing those very same pancakes end up on the floor- by the choice of the angry toddler. And through it all, being totally consumed by a love that I never knew was possible before I became a mommy. That love is what a day like today, a day to celebrate the mothers in my life and be celebrated myself, is all about. And I wouldn't trade it for anything.


Kathy in WA said...

Great post, Kelsey! You captured the sweetness and struggle of parenting perfectly. I have to say that Markus is a precious, engaging, sweet little boy and you are doing an excellent job of training and mothering him.

Sorry you couldn't get your morning coffee. Ugh! No chance of falling asleep in the middle of that sermon though, eh. :)

Megan said...

Well said. :) Luv ya.

Anonymous said...

You couldn't have said it better. And it continues in all stages of being a parent. Even a grandparent. It is in different ways, but being a mom is the biggest blessing and challenge all at the same time. Love you, Mama W