Sunday, June 01, 2008

We're off!

We are off on a two week vacation tomorrow to the midwest. Please pray for our travels- three hotels in 14 days with two kiddos. Plus- the dude has a double ear infection to boot :). I don't know what our internet availability will be while we are gone, but look for some posts when we return... and a picture or two of our little diva with her ears pierced (sorry Drams!). Blessings!


Anonymous said...

Please tell me you didn't put holes in your beautiful daughter's perfect God given ears :( You can no longer chat w/ Anna - tell me you went to a tattoo parlor too :) Oh well, I still think she's adorable!!
Love you guys,

Beck said...

You ARE NOT piercing her ears!! Why don't you just buy her a biker bra and a leather skirt? I know where we could find a hot-pink thong for her to wear also! I hope she doesn't look you in the eyes for 2 weeks after that torture. And I better not EVER hear you say that you "feel so bad" when your babes get shots. wow.
I love you regardless.