Upon arriving at Safeco field today for the Mariners game, Markus happened to notice the Mariner Moose down on the field. His immediate response "I yon't yike the moose". From then on, he continued to scan the field with a pensive, stressed out look on his face saying "Markus find the moose. I yon't yike the moose". We knew a visit from the moose probably wasn't going to be a good idea. During the third inning, Markus was needing to run a little bit, so we ran our races up and down the hallways where the suites were located (we were spoiled today!). While running slightly ahead of me, Markus came face to face with the moose as he came out of another hallway. I scooped him up as fast as I could, but it was too late. The hysterics had already started, and he sobbed into my shoulder "I yon't yike the moose mommy, I yon't yike him. Markus scared." One of the moose's entourage whispered to me as she passed by "I have never seen such terror before." We walked back to the suite (Markus clinging to me the entire way and searching for the moose). We settled back in our seats in the front row outside the suite. I heard some commotion inside the suite and turned to look- sure enough, the moose was in the suite. I was too late to shield the dude- he caught a glimpse and lost it. Luckily, Halle Joy was in the arms of Auntie Beckie and I could deal with Markus. I seriously thought he was ready to jump headfirst over the railing to escape the moose. He kept asking me to put my feet up on the bar- as if somehow that would block the moose from coming in. He was literally shaking from head to toe the poor kid. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to me, Halle Joy was loving the moose and grabbing his face and talking to him. Thank goodness for Uncle Rando who captured her on camera while I attempted to reassure and comfort my frightened boy.
Markus searching for the moose. Look at this face.
Markus is in doubt that the moose has indeed gone bye-bye.
Halle Joy couldn't get enough of his face.
She loves him!
The contrast between kids is quite hilarious, although I feel for both you and Markus - been there, done that! The looks you captured are priceless (and all-too familiar). :)
Too darn cute!
Love the photos! To this day, I still have an inexplicable fear of costumed characters. Hate em! Luckily neither of my boys has inherited this trait...so far!
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