1. While shoving his thumb in my face (said with total serious and need in his big brown eyes): "I need to go upstairs and suck this".
2. While playing with trains with Halle Joy: "Halle Joy, you little stinker. You broke my trains!".
3. While sleeping in bed with us when on vacation (at 4:30 am) he rolled over, put both hands on my face and said "Mommy, should I be awake right now?".
4. While driving home from church on Friday night in the dark "I need the light on in the car Mommy". "Why?" I responded. "So I can see Halle Joy my little sister".
5. While in the bathtub last night, holding a farmer near the tub ledge: "Mommy, can I put the farmer on the stage to sing?".
Don't you just love the things the kids this age come up with?! It was at about this age that Cameron informed us she was going to marry Caleb Assink and they would have 101 dalmatians, and sometimes she and Caleb would come and take Jim and I out for dinner. Good times!
What a riot! I just love that kid.
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