Markus has been driving me a little batty the last couple days. He is just not himself. However, he continues to crack me up all the time.
1. Today, he and Halle were playing in her crib while I took a shower. I had the monitor on so I could hear if any disasters broke out. This is what I heard- "Halle, sit on your bottom. Because you are married to me now."
2. His latest fascination is playing under blankets. While he and Mark were playing under the blanket on the couch the other day, he said "The girls get too hot under the blanket. And the boys go under the blanket to keep them warm." Oh please, start praying for this boy now! :)
3. As I dressed Halle for church this morning, he said "Mommy I don't think that dress works for her." He then grabbed another dress from her closet, held it out to me and said "Try this one. I LOVE it." So I did :).
Halle Joy is crawling everywhere- and she's super fast. She can motor up the stairs all by herself. She is pulling up on furniture and is just starting to take a few steps while hanging on. She is starting to hit Markus when he gets in her personal space- which is all the time. She still eats just about anything you put in front of her, and is actually getting the nhang of feeding herself from the spoon. She happily plays when I am not around- but if I am anywhere near her she is not happy unless in my arms. She is a delightful little gal!