Yesterday, Halle Joy was a bit of a mess all day. Fever + runny nose + no appetite = needy baby. I was comforting her and Markus came to me and asked for his milk. I told him he could go get it from the refrigerator. It was a few minutes later when I realized he was very quiet, too quiet, and I hadn't seen him since I told him he could get his milk. I peeked into the kitchen to find him happily sitting inside the fridge, his milk, some syrup and hershey's syrup lined up on the floor, an open whipped cream canister and some "evidence" (as if there wasn't already enough) on his face, hands and the floor. I cracked up. The minute he saw me he pulled the door closed as far as he could, and then peeked out the side with a huge grin. I did what any scrapbooking mom would do- asked him to stay put and grabbed the camera. Once he knew he wasn't in trouble (he wasn't- we had never told him that was a "no"- now, of course, it is!) he held out the hershey's syrup to me (I didn't think he even knew what it was) and said "Mommy, what IS this? It's gooooood." I replied "It's chocolate sauce" and he said "I like chocolate sauce!" Then he held out the whipped cream canister and said "I can't get this to work Mommy" to which I replied "Thank God."

That's hilarious. Jer said he saw you at church today, so I hope Halle is feeling better. We're praying for you.
Isn't it funny what things we have to tell them are no-no's. Things we never would have thought of, but of course, they do.
Oh, and yes, chocolate sauce is yummy!
Ahhh, yes. We cannot always be three steps ahead, can we? Aren't they just tooooo doggone smart?!
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