I know, I know. I have been so bad at blogging lately. I'm sorry! We have had some very busy weeks- lots of church activities, family activities and even a trip to the ER for me (don't worry, I am fine :) ). So MJ's 7 month birthday passed and I missed it here! I have no idea how big he is now- suffice it to say, he is growing. He is wanting to crawl so badly, but hasn't been able to get that tummy off the ground yet. He's playing much more independently, laughing and talking and even sleeping through the night- sometimes. He has two teeth now and continues to love to eat. I took a bunch of photos of him today, and can't decide which ones to post, so I think I will just post a couple each day for the next few days! Enjoy!
too cute! he's so big.
luv you guys,
John S. said he saw you guys and MJ is SO BIG! Give your mini man a kiss and squeeze for me while he still thinks it's cool. Love, Meg
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