Don't worry, this is G-rated! I was inspecting my face in the mirror today after my shower, when I noticed this slight, purplish bruise on my chin. I tried in vain to remember doing anything that could have caused the bruise to no avail. Then, it hit me. MJ's new favorite thing is to grab my face with both hands and suck on my chin (always right after his naps- weird). I realized that he had given me a hickey. On my chin. From my son. This photo doesn't do it justice, but I think you can see it just enough!
did carrilee ever tell you about the HUGE, BRIGHT RED hickey she got on her ARM once... of course, it was henry who provided her with that little gem. i guess in light of this holiday season you could consider that MJ's way of giving you some jewelry to add some love and adornment to your wardrobe!! :) - tam
p.s. these pictures are SOOOOO CUTE!
that is too funny! one time in nursery, a certain child (who will remain anonymous as to save embarrassment from the parents)sat on my lap, facing me and proceeded to suck on my shirt for half an hour. i didn't get a hickey, but i had a HUGE drool spot on my shirt for the rest of church. don't you just love babies when they're teething?!--Cami
This is Kelsey's brother Boo, Big Brother - Wow the first hickey I have ever seen on my little sister!!!!!!!
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