consisted of the following (in no particular order): virtually no sleep last night due to my sickie, watching a plumber put a hole in my dining area ceiling to ascertain where the water damage was coming from (the shower in the master bath), Mark home for lunch (yeah for daddies), watching my baby boy giggle as he tried to capture the water coming out of the faucet (that must blow their minds), another emergency load of Markus laundry, two viewings of Baby Mozart and at least three of Baby Noah, a trip to the library, a trip to Target, attempting to get my baby boy to drink water out of a syringe (the cup wasn't happening), my favorite white hoodie getting crusted with snot, applesauce and oatmeal (I know, why am I wearing a white sweatshirt with a sick baby?), a great homemade iced vanilla latte, diarrhea on my rug (hence the laundry and the bath) and a baby who fell asleep in my arms four times today and wanted nothing more than to be held. I wouldn't trade this job for anything.
poor little guy. praying for his recovery. and for your sanity. so glad that you LOVE your job, despite all the YUCK that is involved... he is worth it! love you, sweetie... hang in there and keep enjoying these moments! - tam
Amen. Tam said it perfect!!!!! Mama W.
Amen. Tam said it perfect!!!!! Mama W.
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