Markus is doing better (so far) today! He didn't keep anything in that tummy of his yesterday, except for a few bites of toast and applesauce at lunchtime. But so far this morning he has had a small bowl of oatmeal, a few cheerios and pedialyte, and it's all stayed down! Yeah for Markus. This photo pretty much represents our day yesterday and our morning today- Markus sitting in our laps, watching Baby Einstein and doing a little thumb sucking. Normally I'm not much for plunking him in front of the TV, but I remember being little and getting to watch cartoons all day when I was sick. He seems to be most content right now doing this, so be it. I think we might venture out to the library today to see if they have any Baby Einsteins to check out- mommy here is getting a wee bit tired of Baby Mozart!
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