Poor little man. He has yet another double ear infection (this is #3 in three months, in case you're counting). I will spare you the gruesome details of the other yuck he is fighting, but suffice it to say I just completed a large load of laundry that had to get done immediately or the stench would have taken over our house, he had an unexpected bath this afternoon and I am trying to figure out how to tackle the yuck that is his carseat... Add to it that I haven't nursed him since Friday morning and you have a glimpse into the poor little man's woes. We snuggled after the bath under a fleece blanket and watched Baby Mozart until he began sucking his thumb and dozing. Now he is napping, I am grabbing a quick bite and about to enter speed clean mode because I know odds are zilch of me getting anything done today when he is awake. And please pray- this third infection means we are entering the realm of possible ear tubes. No fun, but way better than him having to continue to get these nasty infections! BTW- this photo is not from today. But lately he is fascinated by his piggies, and wants to eat them every chance he gets.
1 comment:
Oh honey, I am so sorry. It's a thoroughly miserable business. We'll be praying. Meg
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