Just in case anyone was curious, I am still in the running for mom of the year. Here's the story. We use a booster seat with a tray for Markus instead of a high chair. We love it. The best part is, it's portable. So we took it to Abu and Papa's yesterday so MJ would have somewhere to enjoy his meals while we were there for the day. This morning, I heated up some leftover pancakes for the kiddos (we are currently watching Ellie, our friends' 4 year old for five days) and sat MJ in his wonderful booster seat, being sure to buckle him in and secure his tray. I turned around to set down Ellie's plate and I heard the crash and the scream. And the tears. I turned to look and there was Markus, faceplanted on the floor with the seat on top. You see, those seats are great as long as you remember to strap them back on the chair after you take them someplace else. Which, obviously, I forgot to do. I picked up Markus and the seat to find the front of his place totally bloody. He had a bloody nose, a fat lip (which was also bleeding) and the beginnings already of a bruise on his forehead. Definitely one of my more stellar moments, don't ya think? Please don't call CPS.