It's quiet in my house right now. Markus is napping, Mark is at church and everything that could be done for our brunch later this morning is done. The house is clean (at least the downstairs- where the guests will be :) ), candles are burning and the tree is aglow with white lights. The table is set, presents are wrapped and under the tree and cards are mailed. As I sit in the stillness, I am in awe of some amazing miracles we have experienced in the last year. Last Christmas was so special- being pregnant with Markus and anticipating all that was to come (little did I know that would include a move, a new job for Mark, a new house and new friends). But that Christmas cannot begin to compare to the delight and wonder that is Christmas seen through the eyes of a child. Even though he is too young to comprehend, Christmas just seems all the more "magical" (I use that word lightly- but it does best decribe what I'm thinking) with Markus in our home. But even more wondrous than that, is the miracle that is Christmas itself; that God humbled Himself and became flesh, born as a baby in the most unattractive of ways. And He did that because He loves me. And you. And each and every person that He uniquely created and shaped and planned, that is, all of mankind. As I reflect in my quiet home, my heart shouts with praise for the miracle that is Christmas, for the awesomeness of our God and for the Savior that resides in my heart. Our family wishes you, our dear loved ones, the Merriest of Christmases. May you steal away a few quiet moments to shout quietly within your own hearts today (or tomorrow :) ) as well.
Merry Christmas, Kels. It's 7:33 a.m. on Christmas morning and this is where I am experiencing my moments of peace. Solitude. Thankfulness. Love. You get the idea. The house is still and silent and I know it won't be for long. And I know today will be a long day. But I am ready for what the day holds. I am ready to celebrate with our family. I am ready for today. It's not every day I can say that. But today I can. I love you, dear friend, and miss you deeply. - Tam
Let every heart prepare Him room. Merry Christmas M, K & M.
Love, Meg
Last Christmas was wonderful - but how the Lord has blessed us all in the months since then.
Our hearts are overflowing with gratitude - and just now - I am especially thankful for the gifted sharing He allows through Kelsey - what a writer!
Love to you three from all of us.
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