Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Long time, no post!

I have been a bad blogger lately- sorry! It seems as though I have been barely keeping my head above water these last few weeks, with retreats and conferences and visitors and parties and so on. Mark and I had an amazing weekend this past weekend at Family Life's "Weekend to Remember" conference. Wow. We walked away having shared some great conversations and feeling like we have some great tools to make our marriage even better. If you have never been to one, I strongly recommend it. No matter where your marriage is at, there will be something there for you. Awesome. Plus, we got to spend some time with old friends from Lynden and new friends from Lake City. So much fun. Markus spent Friday and Saturday with his Abu (thanks mom!) and Sunday with his Auntie Cindy and buddy Isaiah at the hotel in Bellevue. He was such a trooper.
Speaking of Markus... at 12 months he is still only in the 10th percentile for height and weight- but still the 95th for head size! He started crawling on April 6th and by April 13th was comfortable crawling on the carpet, but was still freezing when he hit the wood floors. On the 15th he started cruising the wood floors, sitting up on his own and clapping. It was a big day. He loves to cruise all over the house, and will often stop, sit up and clap for himself. It's adorable. He's definitely gaining preferences when it comes to what he wants to eat (where did the boy that would eat anything go?) and he is starting to hear the phrases "no touch", "obey mommy" and "don't throw your cup" quite often :). He is quite the sickie again, but without the ear infection this time! He had a horribly high fever yesterday and today and was lethargic and cranky and had little appetite. After a previously scheduled appt with an ear specialist (to schedule his tube surgery for May 9) we were off to a peds appt to figure out this nasty fever. Over two hours later, we left with a "possible viral infection". That was after I had to hold him down for both a catheter and a blood draw. I never want either of those jobs again. His bloodwork was "inconclusive"- we are waiting for some more testing to come back tomorrow. But after a three hour nap when we got home, he was almost acting like himself again, was eating well, crawling around and no longer warm to the touch. So we'll see.
There's the update. We have this weekend "off" from any major activities (but I do get to have a girls night out on Friday that I am really looking forward to) and I am looking forward to the three of us just being together and home. There really is no better place to be!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Busy, busy, busy

Too busy! Life is flying by here as we are enjoying a wonderful visit with Grammie and Papa Wilkening. I am getting ready to leave this afternoon for our church womens' retreat until Sunday. Two nights away from my boys... this is a big step for me. Here's a couple pics from Easter Sunday.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

He's 1 year old!

I just realized that exactly one year ago right this minute Markus was born. Wow. What a year. He has been the delight of our hearts. I will post more later- I am exhausted. But here are just a couple shots of the great day we had today. Ear infection and all, Markus seemed to really enjoy his first birthday- especially the cake!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Some recent shots

This has to be one of my favorite Markus' shirts- he is all belly (it says "Rub my belly for good luck"). And yes, that's my necklace lying next to him. He had ripped it off before I laid him down to change him.

He kept pulling the hat off before I could get a good shot of his face with the hat on. But seriously, isn't this still just a riot?

Lately Markus' favorite thing to do while we are driving is to eat his shoes. This is a shot of him in the mirror doing just that. The monkey is his best friend, Murphy.

Markus and Mommy at his first Mariners' game. We were guests of our dear friends the Madsons, and we had a wonderful time!

Markus and Daddy enjoying the game!

Here's Markus trying to figure out how to lift up his sippy cup without dropping his precious pizza crust.