Saturday, December 01, 2007

Starting a new trend...

hopefully! I can't believe I took a whole month off of blogging. Can we say, life is insane? But my goal is to blog every day during the month of December. Might be more dialogue than photos, but I would like to use this as a journal, too. Today has been a weird day. I am starting to get really easily emotional (I know, moreso than normal) and things that normally would kinda bug me are really bugging me, etc. We are in such an awesome stage with Markus. He is learning and growing leaps and bounds every day, and he makes me laugh all day long. He also is becoming a toddler in every sense of the word, which means we are having to discipline a lot more. I hate it. I know it's what's best for him, but I hate it. There is nothing worse than hearing him cry "mama" when he is in timeout. But he is in a hitting stage, and I know that we simply cannot tolerate it. But you add the fact that my emotions are running haywire, I'm not sleeping well and I'm getting uncomfortable (and I still have 10 more weeks...) and it makes for some really hard moments. But right now as I type, he is down for a nap, it is snowing huge flakes outside, my kitchen is clean, I am listening to Clay Aiken sing some Christmas music and I am getting ready for a night out at the Melting Pot with my girlfriends for my birthday. At this moment, things are looking up :). And I have an amazing husband who will be taking Markus to a friend's birthday party this afternoon so that I may have some time out with my girlfriends. Really, it's a good day.

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