Monday, November 27, 2006

Another reason he will need therapy when he grows up...


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, this is tooooo cute and soooooo funny. I am sitting here w/smiles, and okay a little wet eyes, and thank you sooo much for all you do to keep "long distance" better. love you all soooooo much, mama w.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness Kelsey!!! So cute. I hope you had a good Thanksgiving.

Anonymous said...

Markus so totaly got the looks in your family~ He is absolutely adorable! You guys are so blessed to have him, what a joy he is.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the pictures and the one you sent.Happy Thanksgiving and hope you had a good snowday. Tomorrow in Mt. Pleasant we have a 30 % chance of snow and we are hoping it does snow. Have a goood Christmas and can't wait till we get to see you and Markus and Uncle Mark!!! from

Anonymous said...

Therapy, shmerapy. All of our kids have survived these humiliations.:)...I think...hmmm...this could explain a few things. Anyway - thanks for bringing us a fresh round of that our power's back on and the house is approaching 55 degrees. Love you all, Meg

Anonymous said...

so hilarious! better start saving now... he's gonna need an EXPENSIVE therapist! he's such a darling snowman... and he melts your heart, so i guess he's a good snowman, too! :) - tam

Anonymous said...

It's happened! You have outdone Calvin and Hobbs snowmen! I didn't think it was possible! Totally done-I esp. like the little tongue out picture! That could be our screen saver forever! Thank you so much for sharing. We so look forward to seeing Markus-oh yes, and the rest of the family! Blessings from Him
hickory dickory & doc-with love

Anonymous said...

I was just wondering how a kid can be that happy and that cute sitting in that outfit. He's so cute! i get so giddy everytime i see those pics. hope to see you soon. love you much,

Anonymous said...

Guess who my BOYS put on our screen saver??? You know it's good when you can get 10 & 12 year old boys to oooohh and aaaahh. Love, Meg
P.S. I don't even know HOW to put things on my screen saver!

Anonymous said...

Hey Kels and family, I smile and laugh every time I look at those-and I've watched the photos several times and shared them with my boys too! We pulled them up at work this last week when Anna and Emily were there-we were just rolling with laughter. I don't think Dave was impressed as we were laughing and he was working. Ooops! Love to you guys-Lisa M. Tell Mark I just bought the new Chris Tomlin CD. He got me started on him. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Dear Markus, I just got my daily smile fix by watching your snowman slides. Thanks, Auntie Meg