Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Such is the life...

when you have an almost five week old with a cold and an almost two year old with croup and a double ear infection. Here's the reality of my last few days...
* I just took my first shower since Sunday. Yeah, it's Wednesday.
* I got numerous hugs from Markus today. Not because he wanted affection, but because he simply wanted somewhere to wipe his nose and my shoulder is a fantastic spot.
* Sunday night I burned the chicken and turned off the wrong burner on the stovetop, so the rice I thought was cooking was in fact, not cooking. Dinner out that night. Monday's main dish was chicken nuggets. Tuesday's main dish was Papa Murphy's. Thankfully, tonight's main dish was some awesome chicken pasta at my mom's.
* Halle had to cry alone in her crib last night while I sat outside in the cold and sang a song about Noah and his ark over and over again to my croupy Markus. What a glimpse into the life of a single mom/wife of a deployed soldier. So glad we only have two nights a week where we don't have daddy.
* Halle spit up down my shirt this morning as we were on the way out the door. Guess what. I didn't even change. Mind you, I was 1. running late 2. Already wearing one of only a couple shirts that look somewhat decent on this post-prego body and the thought of trying to find something else that looked decent at that point was beyond me and 3. I already told you I hadn't showered for three days. What's a little spitup?
* I fought with my husband. Mainly because I was being ridiculous (hey- it's my blog and I'm just trying to be real). Then he had to mop up all my tears as I cried about not being able to care for Markus while he was sick like I wanted to because I had to care for Halle too. This one doesn't bother me so much though- it's my first meltdown since we brought Halle home. I don't think I went three hours after we brought Markus home without a meltdown.
* I have already visited our pediatrician's office twice this week. And we have to go back again on Friday. And I can't even look forward to getting a cookie when I go there (we miss you Dickson Medical Clinic!!!). And I might get the nurse again that couldn't figure out why the scale "wasn't working" when she was trying to weight Halle yesterday. I didn't have the heart to tell her it's because she needed to move the little sliding thing (there must be a name for that) so that more weight was registered so that the little arrow could get to the middle. She kept going the wrong way (so the arrow stayed up) and wondered, out loud, how Halle could have lost so much weight since her last visit. One of those very awkward situations where I wasn't sure if I should help her use the scale properly or just let her figure it out. Finally I got one of the other nurse's attention (behind the back of the confused nurse) and she came over and remedied the "problem" with the scale. Needless to say, if Halle would have had to have any shots yesterday, that nurse wasn't going to be giving them (again, we miss you Dickson Medical!).
* I had to clean out the tub on Monday after Markus pooped in it during his bath. Poor kid. It was the happiest he had been all day (being in the bath, that is. Not because of the pooping.) and he had to be wisked out and he had no idea why. But he was pretty fascinated when he saw the floaters (I realize I have just terrified any of you readers out there who do not have kids yet and like me, could not even say the word poop without getting embarrassed before kids. Sorry. )
* It's 8:30. I'm going to bed. But not without posting a completely unrelated picture.


Anonymous said...

Kelsey, you are too cute. I can so totally relate to most of what you wrote today! Fortunately, though, I have not had 2 kids sick at the same time yet (knock on wood), but Annika did get a cold about the same time - 5 weeks. No fun. I hope you stay healthy in the midst of all of this!
Angie Weedon
(I don't know how to do this whole identity thing at the bottom, so I might be anonymous...but not really...)

Anonymous said...

Also, did I mention that when I took Annika to her 2 month appt. the nurse weighed her at 11 lbs. 25 oz.?? Huh? Isn't that 12 lbs. 7 oz.?

Anonymous said...

I should have checked my math before I posted that comment...blame it on lack of sleep for me. 12 lbs. 9 oz. Maybe I should be a nurse.;) No offense to the really good nurses out there!
Enough...I'm taking over your blog! I am going to bed now...better day tomorrow!

Megan said...

Hey darlin,
Oh, I remember the days. Exhausting. Overwhelming. Days that make you feel inadequate. But the truth is, you're doing it just as well as anyone else could. It's tough to feel divided when the kids are both sick and both need and deserve your attention. Be encouraged, Kels, you're doing the best you can (and the great thing is, the kids aren't going to remember any of this!!! Don't mean to sound mercenary, but that thought got me through a lot when my kids were tiny.) Praying for you all, Meg

Shelly said...

Can I just say that I haven't laughed that hard in quite a while? Probably because it could have very easily been me writing the blog about my life currently. Just thought I'd tell you that I probably spend 65% of my time with Andrew and a mere 25% with Lizzy still -- even less with Lizzy when she was first born. And that painting project I was doing when you called three weeks ago hasn't been touched since then.
Love you friend

Shelly said...

The other 10% gets divided between going to the bathroom, Chris and sleeping in no particular order of importance

Ross and Taya said...

Hang in there friend! Megan's right, you are doing a great job and the best you can do in the situation. Praying for you!

Anonymous said...

I'm right there with ya Kels! Jaden had his first cold at two weeks and has probably had about 8 since then. :P We are all sick right now-it's good times! How can this time of life be the best and the worst all at the same time?? I go back and forth everyday! Hang in there-Spring is just around the corner! Sounds like you're doing really well adjusting to two! Nice work! Love, Brandi

Anonymous said...

No poop in the bath picture?? :)

What a treat to get insight into your days--forgive me for laughing but I can think of many days of my own like this... Thanks for sharing!

erin & lindsay