Friday, January 09, 2009

Before I forget...

1. Markus new train batteries died last week. I told him that I would be happy to get him some new ones. He looked at me and said "OK mommy, here's the plan. I will stay home with daddy and play, and you go to the store to get the batteries." Here's the plan? What?
2. Mommy to Markus-"Markus, mommy is married to daddy." Markus to mommy and daddy- "I want to be married." Daddy to Markus- "Who do you want to marry Markus?" Markus to mommy and daddy- "I want to marry mommy". Awwww.
3. Today, Markus was asking for daddy to come home. ALL DAY. On one occasion, I said "Markus, you are so blessed to have such a great daddy." To which he replied "You're a great mommy too, mommy. And Halle is a great baby."


Erin said...

That kid cracks me up. So glad to hear you're a great mommy. :) I was expecting him to say "Abigail" when speaking of who he was going to marry, but he was a good boy and kept to the safest answer.

Megan said...

Cute, cute, cute!